After leaving the wind and rain of California behind, I arrived in DC to a much colder wind and impending snowstorms. Loppy Lou had just ditched her DC digs and moved to Alexandria with her fiancée Tex. They live in a Christmas Condo!
After a week of getting acclimated to the new living situation, they were ready to welcome their first houseguest. Me!
My first evening in DC fell on Loppy Lou’s annual cookie exchange with several girlfriends. I had never participated in a "cookie exchange" and I admit I was but an onlooker at this one.

Along with cookies, they also exchange gifts. Everyone was so excited to open their gifts.
And they were so pleased with what they received.
After the giving, receiving, and several bottles of wine were finished, we walked over to Filomenia Ristorante in Georgetown.
The Lady Bakers become quite rowdy when they get a few drinks in them. And, I'm the first to admit, we indulged in a few more than a few.
By the end of the night all the boys were looking good to the Lady Bakers.
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