On Tuesday, the Oxford & Cambridge Society of Malaysia held a class - How to be Irresistible to Your Mate & Win Over Your Boss. Wha? I need a class in this? Of course not, but Mr. Happy and I thought it would be a good way to meet some new people in KL while honing our irresistibility.

The people we met were really nice and we plan to return for some other events they are holding. They were especially friendly toward us since we are new to the city. They offered some KL tips. Here's my favorite:
#1 Tip: If you see hundreds of dead snakes in the road, turn around and go back to where you came from!

No argument here! Apparently, one of the new housing projects being built suffered a landslide recently. A few hours before it happened, hundreds of snakes fled the hill and tried to escape toward the road where they were subsequently run offer and turned into snake fritters.
Snake Fritter ='s Danger!!
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