Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Stuck with some BAD luck

Ugh. The other day I pulled my sunglasses out of my bag only to make the unfortunate discovery that they were now in two pieces. Rather than kicking them to the curb, I thought I could heal them. I bought some Elephant Crazy Glue in Chinatown and set about the reconstructive surgery.

(sunglasses post op - we'll see if they hold)

How was I to know that Malaysian Elephant Crazy Glue runs out of the tube like water! I now have crazy glue all over my hands, my legs, my feet, and the lenses of my sunglasses. I even have the crazy glue cap glued to my floor!!

(it's drying like cement!)

Luckily, I found the website of a woman who crazy glued her teeth together. She had some tips for removing the stuff. I think it's going to be a waiting game. I think I will win.

I DON'T think you should ever buy Elephant Crazy Glue from a Chinatown shop in Malaysia!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Every part of me wants to make a joke about that Yale education... gluing the glue cap to the floor and such.