Monday 6 April 2009

Brunei or Bust

After one month in KL, Mr. Happy and I are leaving for a few days in Brunei. He has some meetings and we are staying an extra two days to sight see. We were pretty excited about the trip...and then we started telling people about it...

Most people remark with raised eyebrows, "Why are you going there?" As if I've told them we were heading someplace crazy like North Dakota. Others question our sanity, "Bru-nei???" While miming the act of slitting their wrists. Some people try to look on the bright side, "Maybe you can catch up on TV while you are there."

Brunei is a tiny country on the north coast of Borneo. It is RICH because its got lots o' black gold, Texas tea, say it with me...oil! It is Muslim, it is dry (not like a desert but instead no alcohol), and it's rather expensive compared to the surrounding bits of Malaysia.

We are only going to be there for three days. I am looking forward to it, and can't imagine it can be as boring as people have indicated.

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