Monday 27 July 2009

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow


I'd been thinking about it for a loooong time. It's very hot here and I wear it in a ponytail each and everyday. Not terribly fashionable.

So...I took the plunge. I brought along a photo and asked Janet at JW Hair Salon in Sungei Wang Plaza to cut my hair like the Cyber-shot Sony Ericsson girl.
She barely looked at the photo. So I guess either a) Janet has a photographic memory or b)all the girls are getting this cut. For instance, perhaps when I showed her the photo Janet inwardly sighed and thought, "Not the Cyber-shot Sony Ericcson girl-cut again!"
here she is again!

At any rate, my hair kinda sorta looks like the girl in the photo.

Try picturing me blowing a bubble.

I still need to get used to it!

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